Question | Description | Question number in form | Short name |
Requester | The reporter is someone who is primarily responsible for raising a request or submitting a form. All correspondence with regards to an issue is primarily directed towards the reporter. | Top of the form/column on the right | Reporter |
Collaborators | A request participant is a collaborator or someone who you share a particular type of form with. If you turn on synchronization, the collaborators will have access to all synchronized forms. | Column on the right | Request participants |
What is the title of your project? | The title of the project is mandatory. | Top of the form | TitleSummary |
Provide an abstract or brief summary of your project | Top of the form | AbstractDescription | |
Provide the name of the institute |
| Institute | |
Provide the name of the other institute |
| Other institute | |
Please select your research department(s) | It is now possible to select multiple departments. Please select ‘other’ in case you want to provide a department that is not listed. |
| Departments |
Provide the name of the other department |
| Other department | |
What is the name of the principal investigator? | In the DMP it is possible to mention multiple prinicipal investigators. The first one mentioned will be synchronized with the GDPR Registration. |
| Principle investigator |
Who is the primary point of contact? | In the DMP it is possible to mention multiple contact persons. The first one mentioned will be synchronized with the GDPR Registration. |
| Contact person |
Please select the tools, instruments or other means you intend to use for collecting, processing or storing data | We tried to create an extensive list of UM/MUMC+ approved systems. Please select ‘other’ in case you want to mention a tool that is not listed. |
| Tools and instruments |
Will data be shared and transferred in a secure way with one or more entities? |
| Data sharing | |
Would you like to create a DMP/GDPR registration for FHML based on this information? | Please take a look at the manual for more information. | Bottom of the form | Sync checkbox |