📝 I want to start writing a new Data Management Plan
🗄️ I want to see my current Plans
Getting started
The task of writing a Data Management Plan (DMP) might seem daunting at first. No worries. We got your back. Stick to the following steps and you’ll be done in no time.
Get in touch with your Data Management Expert and let them know you will be writing a DMP.
Dont know who your Expert is? Head over to our [support page].
Do you wish to save your plan?
Hit the ‘Send’ button at the bottom of the page.Do you still need to make adjustments?
Click the ‘Edit’ button at the top of the following screen. You can always navigate to ‘Your requests’, click the plan you wish to adjust and then click ‘Edit’.
Click ‘Save’ at the top of the screen once you’re done editing.
Submit your plan.
Click the ‘Edit’ button at the top of the screen, then hit ‘Submit’. You can always navigate to ‘Your requests’, click the plan you wish to submit, click ‘Edit’ at the top of the page followed by 'Submit.
Await approval
Your Expert will automatically be notified via email. He or she will check your plan, provide feedback
Submit the PDF export of your plan to the funder.
Has your Expert approved of your plan?
Navigate to ‘Your requests’ and click the plan you wish to export. Click ‘Xporter' on the right side of the screen. Select your format (either PDF or DOCX) and hit 'Export’.
This template will provide a set of questions you have to answer. All these questions concern how you will be managing your data during the research life-cycle. The questions can be either open-ended (text field), multiple choice (radio buttons) or multiple options (checkboxes). The question will clearly indicate if there are multiple answers possible. On the right hand side of each question you will find a column containing guidance. Guidance is a small section aimed at helping you in finding the right answer for your question. The questions are classified into five categories:
General Information
Data Preparation and Collection
Data Processing and Analysis
Data Archiving and Open Access
If you are conducting research outside the Life Sciences faculties, some of the questions may not apply. Feel free to skip those questions or contact one of the Data Stewards/supporting institutions if you're unsure. Research in the Life Sciences usually requires a higher level of specificity in comparison to other faculties/departments.
None of your answers will be considered final.
The template is intended as a growth document which you can adapt and change during the course of your project. As needs for storage, legislation or technology change, it is also possible for your data management plan to change. However, you should fill out the questions to the best of your knowledge at the start of your project. When you are satisfied with your answers, it is possible to export your DMP to PDF, Word and other formats. The tool also provides the ability to share your plan with potential collaborators. They can in turn provide comments or even help you write the plan together.
If you are uncertain about anything you encounter in the questions, the answer options or the guidance or if you come across a 'bug', please leave a comment and send it to your supporting data management expert.
Funder requirements
The institutional template is approved by both ZonMw and NWO!
This template is constructed in accordance with two of the major grant providers guidelines, namely ZonMw's Key Items and NWO's core requirements. This ensures the most important criteria are covered for setting up appropriate data management practices. The DMP will sometimes refer to these key items/core requirements and the FAIR Principles. The FAIR principles are intended to provide guidelines to improve the findability, accessibility, interoperability and reuse of digital assets.
About this Template
Researchers were previously only obligated to check whether their project adhered to ethical and/or medical guidelines. Nowadays, however, they are required to submit a data management plan (DMP) as well. A DMP will among other things ensure that the data remains findable and becomes reusable after concluding the project.
Most of the major grant providers are implementing a new approach to data management. Earlier, grant providers provided principal investigators/researchers with DMP templates. Researchers in turn filled those out and sent them back to the grant provider for approval. Currently, grant providers are delegating the responsibility of drafting and approving DMPs back to the hosting institution. Therefore a project group containing CTCM, DataHub, MEMIC and the University Library were heavily involved in setting up this template to be approved within both Maastricht University (UM) and Maastricht UMC+ (MUMC+).
Supporting Institutions
A Research Data Management expert can be someone (potentially from your faculty) fulfilling the role of Data Steward, Data Manager, Information Manager or similar.
If the DMP is created in collaboration with MEMIC, CTCM or the Library, please indicate the contact person's name and address details:
Clinical Trial Center Maastricht
Oxfordlaan 70
6229 EV, Maastricht
Tel. 043-3872040
datamanagement.ctcm@mumc.nlMEMIC Center for data and information management
Peter Debeyeplein 1
6229 HA, Maastricht
Tel. 043-3882257
info-memic@maastrichtuniversity.nlUniversity Library
Department of Research Support and Development
P.O. Box 616
6200 MD, Maastricht
Tel. 043-3885001