Our newest feature makes certain items in the DMP/GDPR form interchangeable. This means you will only have to fill them out once. The information will be shared between forms automatically. Additionally, it is possible to create a GDPR registration based on a DMP form and vice versa.
Here is an overview of the interchangeable items:
What is the title of your project?
Provide an abstract or brief summary of your project
Provide the name of the institute
Provide the name of the other institute
Please select your research department(s)
Provide the name of the other department
What is the name of the principle investigator?
Who is the primary point of contact?
Please select the tools, instruments or other means you intend to use for collecting, processing or storing data
Will data be shared and transferred in a secure way with one or more entities
Now let’s, look into how to actually make it happen :
1- Let’s say you want to create GDPR registration based on a DMP form. The first step is to fill out the DMP form as usual. The second step is to tick the box to create a GDPR registration. You can click yes if this the option you prefer.
2- Next, if you want to you also have the possibility to unlink both the DMP and GDPR form you’ve just created together. The forms will then exist separately and independently from each other. The items will thus not be interchangeable. As you can see on the picture at the right hand side, both forms have been created and show under Open Requests.
3- As a Data Steward with an Agent Level you will be able to connect both DMP and GDPR registrations manually. As an Agent Data Steward you can also visualize on the right hand side the linked issues, in this case a GDPR registration that is linked to the newly created DMP form. An Agent Data Steward is one with permissions and authorizations to work both on the portal and at Jira work environment.
Click on the picture to see how it looks in the actual form:
Click on the picture to see how step 2 looks like
If you’re an agent you will see the linked issue as shown in the picture below.