📝 I want to start writing a new Data Management Plan
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How do I write my Data Management Plan?
The task of writing a Data Management Plan (DMP) might seem daunting at first. No worries. We got your back. Stick to the following steps and you’ll be done in no time.
This template is constructed in accordance with two of the major grant providers guidelines, namely ZonMw's Key Items and NWO's core requirements. This ensures the most important criteria are covered for setting up appropriate data management practices. The DMP will sometimes refer to these key items/core requirements and the FAIR Principles. The FAIR principles are guidelines to improve the findability, accessibility, interoperability and reuse of digital assets.
What if I struggle with answering a question?
Info |
Guidance is a small section aimed at helping you in finding the right answer for your question. |
This template will provide a set of questions you have to answer. All these questions concern how you will be managing your data during the research life-cycle. The questions can be either open-ended (text field), multiple choice (radio buttons) or multiple options (checkboxes). The question will clearly indicate if there are multiple answers possible. Below a lot of questions you will find a short help text and a link to the guidance page.
Info |
Guidance is a small section aimed at helping you in finding the right answer for your question. |
The questions are classified into five categories:
General Information
Data Preparation and Collection
Data Processing and Analysis
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The institutional template can by used all university faculties and the MUMC+! |